VIU Students
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Frequently Asked Questions

I. Admission

A.  How do I register?

To become an IEGD student, please submit the following to the Registration Centre:

  1. A Completed Admission Form.  Applications are due at least one month prior to the start of the semester. For dates please visit: 

B.  Do I have to apply to the Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma Program if I only want to take one course?

  1. Yes. However, you must complete all courses successfully in order to receive the Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma.

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II. Transferring Credits from other institutions

A.  I'd like to transfer courses from other universities. How do I do this?

  1. In order to get credit for work done in other post secondary institutions, you will need to submit the following to Nancy Norman (
    • a letter stating your request
    • university transcripts
    • outlines of each of the courses that you would like to have considered.


Your request will be reviewed by the program coordinator and/or instructors that teach the course. They will then make a recommendation to the Dean of Education.

Eligible Courses:

Only upper level courses that have been taken outside of your undergraduate degree, and have not been counted towards any other diploma or degree will be eligible

B.  Can I get credit for courses that are not part of your diploma program?

  1. There are 9 credits that are open to a variety of topics of interest. Upper level or graduate courses taken at other institutions that deal with the topic of Special Education can be considered for this.

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III. Pre-requisites

A.  What are the pre-requisites in order for me to enter this program?

  1. Students must hold an undergraduate degree and hold a Canadian teaching certificate (i.e. Professional Certification with the BC Teacher Certification Branch), and preferably currently work within the school system.
  2. Skills and knowledge in current classroom management, literacy and numeracy practices are critical.

There are prerequisites for GDSE 693 Individual Assessment. Please see the Course Description for prerequisite information. Priority registration may be given to IEGD students with 12 or more IEGD credits.

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IV. Completing Diploma

A. Do I have to take the courses in a specific sequence in order to complete the program?

  1. You can take the courses in any order with the exception of GDSE 693 which is considered a second year course.  In order to complete the Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma, you must complete all 30 credits as outlined on the calendar page, node/33.

B. How long can I take to complete this program?

  1. You have up to 5 years to complete this program however, to maintain current student status you must be registered for a minimum of one course within an academic year. If you need more time away, you can apply for a Graduate Programs Leave of Absence.

C.  How do I know when I'm ready to graduate?

  1. Graduation application procedures:
  • Review the Program Outline section in the IEGD academic calendar page in order to ascertain whether you have completed both the required and elective course credits. In total the program requires a minimum of 30 credits.
  • All students must apply to graduate. If you have met the requirements, or are very close to meeting the requirements, see VIU Graduation.

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V. Teacher Qualification Service

A.  Will this count towards my BC Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) Category Five Plus?

  1. The IEGD program will provide you with 30 graduate credits.  Please check with the BC Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) directly to verify what you will need in order to qualify for TQS Category Five Plus.  For more information see Teacher Qualification Services.

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VI. Location, frequency of courses

A.  Is this program possible for teachers working full time?

  1. Yes, courses are mostly online or outside of regular K-12 school hours. Some courses are offered in the summer. Consult the VIU Timetable for specific schedule and course times, search for IEGD coded courses

B.  Where are the classes held?

  1. Classes are mostly held online. Please refer to Schedule of Upcoming Courses for specific course locations & dates.

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VII. Individual Courses

A.  When are the courses offered?

  1. Courses are offered throughout the year on Saturdays, and during the summer months for weekly sessions. See our Schedule of Upcoming Courses

B.  I only need to take the Level B assessment course, will it be offered again?

  1. GDSE 693 (3) Individual Assessment is typically offered once a year however course registration requires a program application. Please see the Course Description for prerequisite information. Priority registration may be given to IEGD students with 12 or more IEGD credits. 

C.  I am attending a summer institute (i.e. a professional conference). Can I use this towards my program course work?

  1. In order to qualify, please submit information about the summer institute to the program coordinator for approval. Once you have attended the approved institute, you may apply for GDSE 590 Conference Related Special Project where you will work with the course instructor to integrate and apply what you learned through an inquiry based project.

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