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Kinesiology is the study of the art and science of human movement. The Bachelor of Kinesiology program is where you will discover your passion and develop a strong foundation for careers in education, rehabilitation sciences (occupational therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic and massage therapy), graduate research in Kinesiology, sport and performance coaching, and leadership with a variety of community-based organizations that focus on health and wellness.

Our students appreciate the small class sizes, close connections with peers and instructors, a variety of unique learning experiences including activity classes, outdoor experiences, lectures, labs, applied research and internships, and one-on-one support from caring and enthusiastic faculty members. The Kinesiology program at VIU is the place to find your passion, develop personally and professionally, and become part of our active, healthy and fun family.

Rikki's Story

A leader working with urban Aboriginal populations, a group fitness instructor, an athlete and a great Mom.

Jake's story

Physiotherapist and owner/operator of Advanced Health + Sports Clinic with his wife Anika (also a physiotherapist). Former hockey player with lots of bumps and bruises.

Moragh's Story

Occupational Therapist at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital dedicated to helping people gain back function so they can be effective in their daily lives. She’s also a great auntie!

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the Kinesiology program, graduating students will be able to:

  • Observe, interpret, assess and describe human movement qualitatively and quantitatively throughout the lifespan, and apply scientific, bio-mechanical, and psycho-social principles to promote healthy choices and to improve quality of life
  • Model professional attitudes and behaviours including effective communication (writing, verbal, listening) and analytical skills (numeracy, problem solving, evaluating) in a variety of classroom, laboratory, field and community settings
  • Safely promote, facilitate and demonstrate active and healthy life-style experiences for each other and community partners by engaging in active and healthy experiences in and out of the classroom
  • Apply leadership skills, theories and attributes in a variety of professional, social and community-service settings
  • Distinguish the affective, physical, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of physical literacy, and translate that knowledge to promote lifelong involvement in physical activity for themselves and others
  • Interpret, explain and present the dimensions of wellness through the lens of Kinesiology, with the goal of enhancing quality of life in themselves and others
  • Model and promote sound pedagogical principles in education, coaching, health and rehabilitation settings
  • Skillfully locate, read, interpret, synthesize and communicate primary research for the purposes of being an informed consumer and becoming an evidence-based professional